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Prevention of pandemics and the effective fight against these has been a topic for the European Commission (EC) already before the arrival of covid-19. Approved in summer 2019, the STAMINA project started in early 2020.  The acronym of this innovative action stands for ‘DemonSTration of intelligent decision support for pAndeMIc crisis prediction and maNAgement within and across European borders’. As a 24-month long activity the project aims to provide fast responses to pressing pandemic issues, way beyond covid-19.

MCS is represented in the project along with 37 other organizations: first responders, government agencies, research organizations, universities, and other entities from 17 European or associated countries. The consortium members will develop a technical ecosystem with the STAMINA engine being a core part. MCS will support in architectural system design, decision support toolset integration, point-of-care diagnostics and monitoring tools configuration, as well as the development of an interface for data exchange.

STAMINA represents a great opportunity to further refine MCS’ SmarKo®

technology. The wearable device will play a role in the project when it comes to observations of vital signs in simulated cross-border interactions. When paired with other functions, software applications and emergency notifications, this technology can be utilized to develop customer-defined devices for numerous health and emergency scenarios.

The project is funded by the European Commission with a budget of EUR 9.5 million (grant agreement ID: 883441).


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 883441

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